Friday, December 21, 2007

Jordan vs. Kobe

The All-star game in 1998 featured a fun match-up between the great Micheal Jordan vs. the recently great Kobe Bryant.

I think people forget these two actually went head-to-head. I hear a lot of people claim Kobe is better than Jordan, but honestly, I think their memory has faded. You can watch these 2 clips of both of these guys going at it.

Now you can argue that Kobe was still new and fresh against a seasoned star as Jordan, but the same arguement can be said about Jordan being on the downside of his pinnacle.

I think the fact that Jordan is the best basketball player ever will always stand even against today's greats such as Kobe, Dirk, LeBron, Durrant, and all the others stars.

Jordan vs. Kobe All-star 1998

Jordan vs. Kobe 1997 (sorry about the poor quality)

Dave Matthews and John Lennon

I love John and Dave. Great songwriters.

At a John Lennon tribute concert Dave Matthews sang one of John Lennon's greats. This is a beautiful mix between some of the greatest songwriters.

Daniel Tosh Stand-Up

This guy is hilarious! I think he's better than Dane Cook and Brian Regan. But not better than Mitch Hedberg and Demetri Martin. Well maybe Demetri, but no one is better than the late Mitch Hedberg.

He has no shame and is ultra-honest. I promise this guy will get you laughing! I won't let you down.

Daniel Tosh - Completely Serious
**These links are not working, but I will get new ones soon. Sorry**
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5



This is one of my favorite slow songs ever. It's off Bush's Golden State album; the most recent and least popular album probably. But this song is great and the associated music video is pretty interesting as well.

Bush "Inflatable"

Ava Adore

Smashing Pumpkins

This is almost one of their popular songs. But I love it because of its creepy music video.

The video is great because its shot in a continuous shot. At one point in the video they show the camera's tracks and all the behind-the-scenes work, right in the middle of the video! Its awesome too. Somehow it fits right in with theme and style of the video. And Billy Corgan is just plain creey! His 6'4'' or 6'5'' frame is ridiculous apparent in this video too. If nothing else though, this is a great song.

Smashing Pumpkins "Ada Adore"


If you're a Radiohead fan, you probably know this song. It's one of my favorites (thanks to Jacob). Well there is a group I like called Obadiah Parker and I found them because they do an amazing cover of Outkast's "Hey Ya." Yes, it is ridiculous and ridiculously good. Well I just found Obadiah Parker's rendition of Radiohead's "Idioteque," and it is equally as sweet. Check it out and tellmewhatyouthink.

Odadiah Parker's Cover of"Idioteque"

Radiohead's "Idioteque"

Obadiah Parker's Cover of OutKast's "Hey Ya"

Monday, December 17, 2007

T-Shirts I Want -- Vol. 4

T-Shirts I Want -- Vol. 3

T-Shirts I Want -- Vol. 2 (Most of my favs)

Comics Today #8

Ok so Cyanide and Happiness (my favorite comics) made some T-shirts, and one of them said, "Bulimia: Half the calories, twice the taste." And I guess some people got really offended, and this is their apology comic. (It's amazing!)

Comics Today #7 - Dinosaurs

So these guys take the same comic of these odd dinosaurs doing whatever they are doing, and change their dialogue. Sometimes it's hilarious, like the example I have below, but most of the time it's odd and not that funny. But ones like this one make it worth it!

Comics Today #6- Anyone Remember Oddjob?

For anyone that remembers playing Goldeneye for Nintendo 64, I hope this brightens your day.

Comics Today #5