Friday, November 21, 2008

Renditions of Postal Service's "Such Great Heights"

Iron and Wine's (My fav):

A Capella:

Ben Folds Gives It a Try:

Random YouTube Cover (with a surprise):

One More Random YouTube Cover (by a girl):

The Original by Postal Service:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Best of Racist Kofoed Obama Jokes

The following jokes are courtesy of my good friend Garret Kofoed. They are extremely racist, but also extremely funny. I received all these texts throughout the day today. It made me day very cheerful.

12:34pm Statue of Liberty is coming down today! Aunt Jemima is going up in her place, holding a chicken leg.

12:51pm I was at the grocery store and all they sell is chicken and watermelon. WTF? Must be a new law.

1:04pm What does JFK, Lincoln & MLK have in common with Obama? Nothing YET! lol

1:31pm Washington dc Pennsylvania Ave. residents worried about plummeting real estate values due to "different' neighbors.

2:03pm Obama walks up to Jesus in heaven and says, "I'm Barack Obama, the 1st black pres of the US." Jesus says, "When did that happen?" Obama replies, "About 20 min ago."

2:35pm How do you say Obama in Chinese? Coon-soon-dye.

2:49pm Things are looking up! Dick Cheney just invited Obama on a hunting trip!

3:01pm If Barack and an apple fell from a trip, who would land first? The apple silly. The rope would stop Barack.

3:07pm All white people must report to the cotton fields tomorrow morning at 7:00am for orientation.

3:29pm U know why it's cold outside today? Because people said it would be a cold day in hell before a black man became president! Bundle up biatches!

4:01pm I bet if the Founding Fathers would have known how this would have turned out, they would have picked their own damn cotton!

Thanks Kofoed!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gamecock Highlights Over the Years

Feel free to turn your volume down to spare yourself having to listen to "Do the Heisman on That Ho."

Best Game-Winning Touchdown of 2008

Texas Tech's Michael Crabtree makes one of the best career catches and runs to the endzone ever leaving 0:01 left in the game. #8 Texas Tech beats #1 Texas.

Monday, October 27, 2008

More KoL

Since I posted "Sex on Fire," I thought I'd put up some more KoL music videos. I love KoL!

The song that made me fall in love - "Molly's Chambers":

Yes! Line Dancing to KoL - King of the Rodeo:

Tribute the Greatest Song in the World WITH Foo Fighters

Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire" Music Video

One of the greatest bands ever, Kings of Leon, has released their fourth studio album. Read about it here at PopSyndicate.

Here's the bizarre music video:

Here's a pretty good cover (Maybe I like it b/c it looks like it's going to be crap at first):

Friday, October 24, 2008

How Much Does Tina Fey Make?

Find out right here. It might surprise you.

So let's say after this next season of 30 Rock (at least $1.5 mil), she stars in at least one movie in 2009 (at least $10 mil - This Side of the Truth) and writes at least one movie in 2009 (average of $15 mil - Curly Oxide and Vic Thrill). And then let's say she keeps this American Express deal and brings a low-balling $1 mil again. That means, after low-balling this estimate, she would rake in $27.5 mil in 2009.

I'm ok with that. Go Tina Fey!

So Funny!

Watch more The Daily Show videos on AOL Video

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Danna's Proxy Post

This is something Danna would post, but since she's sleeping, I'll post it for her.

See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die

Must See!!!

This is a clip from last week's South Carolina vs. LSU football game. As you can see, the ref intentionally tackles the quarterback for South Carolina. WTCrap???

Haha Yes!

These types of videos were like 75% of Funniest Home Videos' footage.

Best Man Faints and Falls Backward - Watch more free videos

Wii Fit Parody

Best Backboard-Shattering Dunks Ever

Kevin Love back in HS

Michael Jordan

3 High Schoolers Bring Down the Glass

Shaq when he was young (and little)

The Best of G. I. Joes Public Service Announcements (Remakes)

These PSAs are hilarious! You have to watch at least until 3 minutes in and then see if you like them.

Warning: Bad Language


This is mostly for my friend Jacob, but I think almost everyone will at least chuckle a little when they see this.

Support Interesting Art!

I found this short film while surfing on StumbleUpon. I thought it was pretty cool. It's very artsy and doesn't really have a point, but I thought the style of the video was pretty unique. I wonder how he did it.

Taller Than Trees from Joseph Mann on Vimeo.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Want to Play a Weird Game?

The Polyphonic Spree has this bizarre game online for anyone to attempt. I want to tell you how to play it, but the majority in my brain says no. So you must figure it out on your own.

Tell me if you can figure it out. I had to have Danna help me.

Go here:


This shouldn't be funny, but it is!

Brilliant Advertising

This is brilliant advertising.

Comics Today #96

They're back!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Interview with Simon Pegg

Simon Pegg, from Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and soon-to-come J. J. Abrams Star Trek, does an interview with the AV Club.

Check out the interview here

Eagle Eye Review

"Predictable and ultimately silly, Eagle Eye proves to be no more than a time-drainer."

Ken Lowrey @

Read the rest of the review here

(Directed at Devin)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hack the Debate

The guys at Twitter at doing something really cool tonight. They've teamed up with Current TV and during the Vice Presidential Debate, they're going to run Twitters during the debate.

So during the actual debate, Twitter user's comments will flow across the screen. How cool is that? I'll be one of them, too.

If you don't know what Twitter is, then check it out at

To learn more, or get involved, visit Hack the Debate//Current

Gay Baby

Yeah. You heard me. Watch the video on the link below to find out more about "the gay baby."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best Album Ever? Part 1

I was conversing with my friend Haley yesterday, and she asked me what my favorite album was. This is a very hard question for me to answer. I love music and the task of identifying one single artist's album is daunting. I usually tell people there's no way I could ever answer that, but I'm about to try. (List-style and no repeats)

Ok quick disclaimer - Give me crap about my list please. I welcome the banter. But just know, this list is music I actually listen to regularly and will probably always enjoy. Puddle of Mudd, Led Zeppelin's stuff and Ace of Base were just phases to me. Sorry, I know I probably just committed a sin with the way I phrased that middle band.

The Beatles (White Album) - The Beatles
- There's a reason this is the first album mentioned. The Beatles were nothing less than iconic and masters of popular music for the ages past, present and future. My favorite song on this album is "Happiness is a Warm Gun;" but of course, there's "Helter Skelter," "Blackbird," "Revolution 1," and "Julia." If this album had a taste, it would be whatever was on mighty Zeus' plate on the day of his commencement as god of the gods. (See Across the Universe.)

Nevermind - Nirvana
- We all miss you Kurt; well most of us do. The rising generation seems to miss your brilliance. You did what we all wish we could have done at one point in our lives. Get on stage and shock the world. Track-by-track you fall into the Cobain dimension. My favorite is "On A Plain," but all-time classic is "Smells Like Teen Spirit." If this album was a bird, it'd be a dove. For two reasons: 1) Doves are beautiful and stand for something, and 2) they get shot by shotguns.

Stankonia - OutKast
- This is not #3 on my list. From here on out, the list is random. OutKast is great though. The push the card in the hip hop genre. They are legit. Too legit. Too legit to quit. The bottom line is they are fun to listen to because it's intelligent, humorous rap, but they can still do that scary, I'm-going-put-a-bullet-in-you rap as well. "Ms. Jackson" takes #1 on this album. If this album was a cleaning product, it'd have to be anything by Mr. Clean.

Weezer (Blue Album) - Weezer

- Rivers, lead singer of Weezer, could probably be a reasonable presidential candidate if enough people listened to this album enough times. It's that good. Weezer is wimpy; but for some reason, rock pretty "dece." (Slang term for decent) My favorite track has got to be "Say It Ain't So" because of that raging progression. Other track greats are "Buddy Holly," "My Name is Jonas," "Undone - The Sweater Song," and "No One Else." If Weezer was a T-Shirt, they woudl most definitely be a Threadless Tee.

Nasty Little Thoughts - Stroke 9

- Most of you are either wondering why this album is here, or wondering who the crap Stroke 9 is. Well they are one of my favorites and a lot of people don't know that about me. Stroke 9 is fun. Like 4 year old tricycle fun. They are most known for their hit single (arguably one-hit wonder) "Little Black Backpack," but I love all the tracks off this album. If you don't remember them, then it's time to take a stroll down memory lane. Stroke 9 is that old mit you just found after like 12 years of losing it.

Because of the Times - Kings of Leon

- Of all the albums on this list, if you don't check out any of them, PLEASE check this one out. Honestly, chances are you won't like it. Not at first. But one day, it'll be rainy, cloudy and you'll probably have a sniffly nose, and you'll learn to appreciate the creative Southern roots of this bend-it-like-never-before band. This band is three brothers and cousin that grew up following their preacher dad all over the country. They have this strange way of fusing Southern rock with garage, Strokes-like sound. Notwithstanding lead singer Caleb Followill's ridiciously flexible, skratchy voice. My favorite song is either "Fans" or "On Call." But like the others, they're all good. (Warning: Bold Statement) The Strokes, The Vines, The Hives, Arcade Fire, and all those other alike bands are no where near as good as Kings of Leon. Suck it. (Tip: I've learned that people will respect you more if you toss in a random "suck it" every now and again)
(See newest album Only By The Night)

Ok Computer - Radiohead
- Radiohead. Wow, what can I say? What can anyone say? With U2 aside, they are probably the most world famous band. They have a never-ending supply of creativity. Thom York a genius and risk taker with his latest In Rainbows name-your-price experiment. And that's why we like him. My favorite song is "Paranoid Android." If Radiohead was a book/movie adaptation, it might The Never Ending Story.

Ganging Up On the Sun - Guster
- I'm a big Guster fan. I'm also a big fan of the albums that you can put in and only use one button to enjoy. This album fits both descriptions. This Jewish group has a fun, rich sound that I just can't get tired of. They make me cry sometimes. My favorite song is "Demons" (Goldfly album), "Happier" (Lost and Gone Forever album), "Careful" (Keep It Together album), and "Lighting Rod" (Ganging Up on the Sun album). I couldn't choose; sue me. Guster is like the single photo that you actually like of yourself because you look somewhat photogenic.

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - Flaming Lips
- Props to Jacob at The Only Needed Opinion; he de-virginized me with this album. Growing up in the South, I had the disadvantage of only being exposed to the accepted genres and bands. When my ears feasted on this albums, I saw music in an entire different light. The options became limitless. I finally began to grasp the enormity of sound. It is also consequently when I stopped writing my own music. My favorite track here is "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Part 1." This album is like that weird cousin of yours that you like being around even though he/she makes you feel constantly awkward.

No Name Face - Lifehouse

- Back when I listened to the radio, I heard Lifehouse and fell in love. I have since burned my old pictures and love notes from them. I feel like their talent is mis-marketed and their potential is missing its mark. Maybe I'm wrong, but No Name Face was incredible. It was the only album with songs on the radio 24/7 that I didn't grow to hate. I love "Sick Cycle Carousel." If Lifehouse was a item in this room right now, they'd be my empty box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

To Come: (Guess which albums I'll choose)
Dave Matthews Band, Dashboard Confessionals, Foo Fighters, The Shins, etc.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Top 10 Jim Carrey Movies

One of the most likable celebrities out there is Jim Carrey. Search for his rues at award shows on YouTube. You will not be disappointed; if you find them.

Here is the Top 10 Jim Carrey List:

1. Dumb and Dumber
2. The Truman Show
3. Lemont Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
4. Bruce Almighty
5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
6. Liar Liar
7. The Number 23
8. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
9. Me, Myself, and Irene
10. The Mask

The Only Needed Opinion

Like music? Like music a lot? If you answered yes to one or both of the questions, you need to click the link below.

The Only Needed Opinion

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Break

As you could probably tell, JoshTarts has been halted. Due to a wedding, honeymoon and a new wife, JoshTarts will be on hold until September. And there is lots to look forward to in the fall. Football. Movies. Music. Comics. Funny videos. Graphs. Quotes. And lots more.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dangers of Facebook,0,4359162.story

For Tommy and Kofoed

This video is inappropriate - Just so you know.

I Drink Your Milkshake

CPR Can Kill Someone Too

Andy Samburg is a Genius Part IV

Andy Samburg is a Genius Part III

Andy Samburg is a Genius Part II

Andy Samburg is a Genius!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Will Smith on The Colbert Report

This is so hilarious. At the beginning of the interview, both of these guys don't act even slightly modest about anything.

Monday, July 14, 2008

TV Bloopers

Why I Don't Play Sports

Waterbed prank

Men on a Mission

A 2008 calendar was created last year called, "Men on a Mission." It features 12 return missionaries in their normal missionary attire without the shirt or badge. It also gives each of the 12 a short introduction and blurb on their beliefs as a member. Pretty sad if you ask me. The creator said he wanted to break free of the stereotypes of the LDS religion and let people see the "other side" of everyday members of the church. The church, after much deliberation, has decided to excommunicate him from the church. He met with 12 elders yesterday and will receive the official paperwork within the next 2 weeks. To read more visit:

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Terrorist Video

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Underground Fighter

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Great Find

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: "Just to Get a Base..."

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Child Star

SNL Skit: Dissing Your Dog

Top 10 NBA Ankle Breakers of 2008

SNL Digital Short: Iran So Far

Celebrity Jeopardy: Cruise, Sabdler, & Connery

New Bond: Quantum of Solace Trailer

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chalkboard Stop-Go Animation

Amazing video. Really.

I thought America had talent...

America might have talent but Britain has more. My gosh, this girl is amazing. Her name is Connie Talbot and she is 6 years old. Not only is she the cutest girl in the world she has the most incredible voice.

If you want more, I suggest:

David Militello

America's Got Talent had this boy audition this year named David Militello, a 9 year old autistic boy. He's so adorable!

The Hush Sound Interview

I Love Christopher Walken

"THE" Chicken Fight

One of the greatest moments ever on Family Guy.

Business Meeting with Rainn Wilson

A semi-funny SNL Digital Short with host Rainn Wilson from The Office and musical guest The Arcade Fire.

He Likes You

A hilarious SNL Digital Short with host Shia LaBeof.

The Japanese Office?

This is an SNL Digital Short with Ricky Gervais from the original British Office.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Oh my gosh, what an idiot!

New Writer

I am happy to introduce the newest addition to JoshTarts: Danna!

We're expanding JoshTarts and it's time to reach out for some help. I asked my fiance Danna join me in spreading interesting stuff we find on the web. Here's a little bit about Danna:

Favorite Candy: I've always been a fan of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but more recently it's whatever sounds good when I'm staring at all my choices.

Favorite thing with four legs: Baby elephants.

What would you do if you were being chased by an angry bull and then you noticed you were also being chased by a swarm of bees? I'm pretty sure I would be more concerned about the angry bull. Although a 100 bee stings wouldn't be fun, I'd rather be alive.

Favorite movie: I really don't have a favorite movie. I'm waiting for the day I see a movie that really moves me enough to call it my favorite.

Most influential person in your life (never met): Joseph Smith. There aren't many people that I admire as much as I do this man. And there aren't many people (that I haven't met) that have helped shape my life as much as this man.

Favorite band:
Dashboard Confessional was always my favorite but I have expanded on that with quite a few bands I love.

Favorite book: The Giver.

Most important event in the history of the US: the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 that signaled the birth of a new nation without which none of what we have would exist.

Favorite clothing accessory: (my favorite article of clothing are my gap jeans that recently ripped because i wear them so much) but my favorite clothing accessory would be my pink victoria's secret peace and love underwear.

Tell me something really weird that you've learned recently, that you think is at least 90% true: A doctor once told my dad that when you're sick if you imagine the white blood cells dressed as little soldiers going to war and fighting against the bad cells it will actually make you heal faster.

Earliest memory ever: I remember moving to our new house when I was just 3 years old. We ran around picking out what rooms we wanted and I remember thinking how huge it was. I have no memory of our old house so I think the day we moved in is my first memory. I remember sitting on the floor in the big empty rooms.

Favorite athlete: I'm not a huge sports girl but I do love to watch baseball. I don't know if it's legal to cheer on the Mariners right now :\ Haha but I love Yuniesky Beatencourt, JJ Putz, Ichiro Suzuki...

Greatest invention ever: Antibiotics. I know too people that wouldn't be alive today without the invention of modern medicine including myself, my mom and my brother.

Favorite comic: Archie

So welcome Danna to JoshTarts; we're glad to have you.

The Pillow Ring

I thought this was such a cool idea.

Buy it here.

How to Make Ugly Industrial Stuff Look Pretty






Murder Story

A woman was found dead in a park in Kennewick, WA early Saturday morning. She was murdered and her 8 1/2 month old unborn baby was cut out from her stomach. The woman that murdered her and stole her baby had told her boyfriend that she was pregnant so he would marry her. They were married just one month ago. They assume this was why she decided to befriend the woman and steal her baby boy. Read more at

And the 2008 Winner for World's Ugliest Dog Is....


Read more about Gus and the other ugly contestants here.

Amazing foot juggler

Basketball Bloopers

Pretty funny!

Missed Dunk

Marriage Proposal

HAHA! Poor kid.

News anchor can't stop laughing when model falls

Top 10 best baseball fights

I don't know if these are the ultimate baseball fights but they're pretty entertaining.

Comics Today #94

Live Graphic Equalizer

I thought this was pretty sweet.

Revamped Graphic Equalizer from Marcelo Costa on Vimeo.

This is AWESOME!

So I've heard rumors upon rumors of a proposed Arrested Development movie and after watching this, I think I have something to look forward to besides my wedding in August and the Youth in Revolt movie starring Michael Cera in 2009.

This clip is great. It has Jason Bateman talking about working with Will Smith on the set of Hancock, a special surprise appearance from a special someone, gay jokes, and a semi-confirmed rumor. Seriously, what's better than that?

How To Torment a Telemarketer

Limbo-Skating Freak of Nature

This kid is incredible. I have no desire to ever even attempt that.

100 Films in Under 2 Minutes


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Art of Distraction

This is a funny British clip I found that shows you how to avoid sticky situations.

Human Escalator Spinner

I want to try this. I'm about 90% sure this girl is named Mary and is from Tampa, FL.

The Turtle Man

This is a bizarre video clip I found of a very strange man that calls himself "The Turtle Man."

Star Wars Dance Off

Holy crap! This is funny. It seems dull and semi-interesting until the third contestants come onto the stage. This is a must see!

More Untooned

Stewie Griffin from Family Guy

Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

this gives you an idea on the comparison between before and after


Josh gave me the great honor of covering the review on WALL●E which we went and saw opening night. This is my first official movie review, so bear with me.

WALL●E was a great example of what Pixar does best: create a visually stimulating environment and fill it with easy to love animated characters. As part of Pixar's first science fiction film we find a much deeper message about the possible future of humanity. Although WALL●E is directed towards children, it has a strong theme that rings more with adults.

Now that's love :)

(No spoilers)
WALL●E is one of many clean-up robots created to clean up the consumer mess that mankind left when they took off to space for a more luxurious life. But WALL●E is the only living robot left on earth and he has just one glitch; a personality. Pixar spends the first 20 minutes or so developing this lovable character and slowly making each person fall in love with his entertaining personality and hilarious clumsiness. But being the only robot on earth he often finds himself quite lonely. The story starts to pick up as the movie introduces EVE, an egg shaped probe sent to earth by the megacorporation that created the whole mess in the first place. WALL●E quickly falls in love with EVE and her adorable "digigiggle". But as soon as EVE finds what she is looking for (a living plant that WALL●E gives her [exactly what the megacorporation was looking for]) she shuts down and is shipped back to space to her mothership. The story then follows WALL●E and EVE's adventures as they spend time in space on Axiom, the mothership that contains what is left of humankind; an obese group of "fully developed babies". They spend their time in hovering recliners drinking supersized sodas. But this ugly reality is delivered as a comedy.

WALL●E is definitely a must-see of the year. Pixar has yet to disappoint me with any of their movies. It's amazing to see how far their technology and abilities have come over the years. WALL●E is yet another fresh idea from the Pixar producers. The first 45 minutes does not have very much dialogue and may leave children a bit squirmy but the lovable robots and their fun robot sounds may be enough to keep them engaged. The robot sounds used in the movie were actually all created by Ben Burtt; the man behind R2-D2's beeps and E.T.'s throaty garble. Burtt continues to impress audiences with this animated and more technologically advanced film. None of the sounds that you hear in the film are digital, they were all created by Burtt himself.

If you haven't seen WALL●E yet, make sure you take the time and money to see it in the theaters. It is an absolutely beautiful film and it has such a visually-stimulating aspect that could not be captured (as well) anywhere but on the big screen. Pixar took a big leap with this movie and they pulled it off amazingly. Many people say that the idea of robots teaching humans how to be humans again is overused and as many times as it's been used I definitely haven't seen anything that compares to WALL●E. It will keep you laughing and have you leaving with a smile on your face.