Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Giving Up the Gun" by Vampire Weekend

This is a bizarre, yet strangely entertaining music video by Vampire Weekend.  (I was terribly wrong when I said they would be one-hit-wonders.  I'm sorry!)

Song Mash-up #8 - Radiohead Plus Facebook

So this week's mash-up is a little different.  It's not a mash-up of two songs, but of a song and a movie (well, movie trailer).  This trailer for A Social Network is one of my favorite trailers of all-time, and it is because of the perfect use and perfect placement of Radiohead's "Creep" performed by a choir.  Check it out.

Funny Cheese Commercial

This is such a good commercial.  Keep watching no matter what.  lol

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Idiot Dancer Hit By Ice Cream While Doing "The Dougie"

I found this from my friend Tony C. on facebook.  It has has a little over 150K views right now, but I'm pretty sure there will be many, many more.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rerun: Pepsi Commercial - Best Commercial Ever (February 25, 2008)

This is the best commercial ever. Jimmy Fallon rocks! Music is by Newton- Streamline.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite Movie Scene #7 - It Might Get Loud

My sister-in-law's husband Mark showed me this documentary a while back.  It's called It Might Get Loud.  It features the guitarists from The White Stripes (obviously), Led Zeppelin and U2.  They get together and jam and talk about their lives and their music.  It's a decent doc.

Disney Recycles Dance Moves!

This is an awesome video that shows how Disney just uses the same movements in dancing scenes of various movies over and over again.  It's very interesting.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Movie Tarts: January 2011

Welcome 2011.  Bring us some good movies, please.  Especially this summer...  Because, frankly, January's lineup is weak sauce.  I can only find three movies I have a remote desire to try out. 

My Most Anticipated Movie this January is: The Way Back - Yeah, I know, Colin Farrell is in this and it's my most anticipated movie??  I couldn't believe it either.  Despite Colin's terribleness, the movie is directed by Peter Weir.  You might know him from directing: Master and Commander, The Truman Show, and Dead Poets Society.  It also stars a young man I think will be a very well known actor one day - Jim Sturgess.  He starred in one of my favorite movies (#23 on my flickchart.com) - Across the Universe.  He might be better known for one of his merely decent roles in the highly publicized "21."  But I think The Way Back will make him a more known star because he deserves it.  I project a B-. (01/21)

My Second Most Anticipated Movie this January is: The Green Hornet - This is a strange movie and I'll tell you why.  First off, it's a super hero movie starring Seth Rogen.  Weird.  Second, Jay Chou (the Chinese guy) has never been in a movie titled with only English words and so it's strange that his first is a high-budget movie starring a big movie star.  Pretty Weird.  And third, this movie is directed by Michel Gondry (who I love, but most people don't).  He is the director of such movies: Be Kind Rewind (2008), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), and The Science of Sleep (2006). (Also he directed an episode of cult-fav TV series Flight of the Conchords).  Ultimately, I think this movie will be okay.  I think enough Seth Rogen will make it funny and enough cool gadgets and cars will make it testerone-y enough.  I'm projecting a C+. (01/14)

The Company Men - New Release Date (01/21)  See my opinion from back when it was supposed to be released...here.

Barney's Version - This stars two phenomenal actors - Paul Giamatti and Dustin Hoffman.  The trailer for this film makes me worry about it's style and direction, but the quality of actors and the amazing story pulls me in.

Comics #105

Two new-to-me web comics I found.  The first one is called Perry Bible Fellowship and the other is fittingly called Indexed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Movie Tarts: December 2010

The last month of the year and the it looks like, movie-wise, it's going out with a punch.  There are some potentially amazing movies this Christmas season.

My Most Anticipated Movie this December is: True Grit - Ethan and Joel Coen are at it again.  This looks just as good as their other greats: Fargo, No Country For Old Men, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Burn After Reading, Raising Arizona, and many others. (12/24)

My Second My Anticipated Movie this December is: Tron: Legacy - It is here! Finally! Listen up nerds, Tron is back!  (12/17)

Black Swan - My friend Kristin Mann told me about this movie a while ago, and as weird as it looked, I can't get over the feeling that it is going to be great.  Not only is Darren Aronofsky directing it, but Natalie Portman has some redemption in this movie and Mila Kunis has some creditability in this movie. (12/3)

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale - I just don't understand....WTF?  I want to see it just to figure it out. (12/3)

The Tourist - So this movie is basically Knight and Day with a little Salt.  The dynamic of both Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in the same movie makes it worth seeing in the end. (12/10)

The Tempest - From the director of Across the Universe (one of my favs), comes this intriguing film.  Knowing the style that I'm stepping into helps when I see this, but regardless, it should impress.  This is based off of Shakespeare's The Tempest and should resemble Romeo + Juliet. (12/10)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader - I never read the books past the first one, but I am excited about this film.  I hope it can redeem the series because of the awfulness of the last one. (12/10)

The Company Men - The premier of this film was pushed back from September until December 10, 2010.  See my thoughts about it back in September.

The Fighter - Mark Wahlberg is about to be the new Rocky Balboa.  Everyone get ready for lots and lots of Rocky jokes directed at Mark Wahlberg, but ignore them and see this movie for what it is and not how much it's like Rocky.  Because it's not. (12/10)

How Do You Do - This looks like a cute, witty movie because of the poweful cast: Paul Rudd, Reese Whitherspoon, Owen Wilson and Jack Nicholson.  I'm definitely looking forward to it.  I hope the trailer isn't the best part. (12/17)

Rabbit Hole - This looks like a real tear jerker.  It looks to be based on a great, award-winning play and on a true story WITH actors like Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart.  (12/17)

Little Fockers - I don't know why we have sequels.  Most of the time they are garbage.  I hope this isn't one of those times.  But it probably is.  Dang it. (12/24)

Gulliver's Travels - Starring Jack Black.  So it's not going to be a seriously good movie, but it might be worth some laughs.  Interesting note: Hud from Cloverfield and Jason Segel from How I Met Your Mother are in it. (12/24)

Song Mash-Up #6

Ghostbusters and AC/DC.  That's all I have to say.

Base Jumpers Are Crazy

This is a video about a wingsuit made by Jeb Corliss.  It's not really about the wingsuit; it's more about what it can do.  These guys are nuts!

Comics Today #104

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Monthly Man

Fallen - An animated short about a meteor

I thought this was a pretty good little short.

Fallen from Sascha Geddert on Vimeo.

via Laughing Squid - link

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

 It took me until it's last day in the dollar theaters to see it, but I finally did it!  And it was totally worth it.  Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was a special movie.  But it's definitely not for everyone.  If you grew up in the 90s with video games, then this is a movie for you.  If not, then I'm not so sure you'd like it.

It stars Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, a 22 year old bass player who has some trouble with the ladies.  He meets the girl of his 22 year old dreams and finds out she has 7 evil ex-boyfriends (crap, I mean ex's) that Scott must "defeat" in order to have Ramona as his girlfriend.  It sounds silly, and it is sometimes; but mostly, it's too fast-paced to realize how silly it is.  This is due to Edgar Wright, the director.  (Also one of my favorites)  He has this style of making movies that are silly, but the editing creates a buffer for the audience.  It is so fast-paced and engaging that the audience doesn't really have time to notice the silliness before Wright can get you back into the minds of his lovable characters.  It is great!

This movie is many things, but most of all, it is fun.  So fun.  The video game graphics inserted into everyday life, the amazing, multi-faceted score, the cast's diversity, the 1960s Batman style, actually written out sound effects, and how time didn't matter to what anyone was saying.

It's a shame only a small fraction of the target market will get to enjoy this movie, because despite it's generational humor and attachment, it is still a fun movie.

A couple last things:
  • Jason Schwartzman is awesome
  • Michael Cera is officially stupid, even though he is pretty good in this movie - See here for further explanation
  • Johnny Simmons is going to be a name you know in a few years.  He has quite the list of accomplishments already and I'm pretty sure he'll just get better.  (The Spirit, Jennifer's Body, Evan Almighty, etc.)
  • Kieran Culkin is Macaulay Culkin's younger brother.  Much better actor.  
  • I think someone at NBC had something to do with this movie because The Office's IT guy Nelson Franklin is in it, and Parks and Recreation's April, Aubrey Plaza, is in it.
  • And Michael Cera probably helped out old Arrested Development girlfriend Ann get into this movie.  Wait, who?  Ann?  Her?  Really?
  • It was nice to see Anna Kendrick outside of a Twilight movie, especially since she is by far the most talented person to come from those movies.
  • The group that contributed to the music is daunting.  Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich, Beck, Metric, Broken Social Scene, Cornelius, Dan the Automator, Kid Koala, and David Campbell are perticpiated.  

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rerun: What Google Thinks of My Birthday (Jan. 31, 2008)

I did this almost 3 years ago and I was wondering how different the images would be if I did it again.  So I went to Google Images and typed in my birthday (DDMMYY) and these are the top 5 images I got:
(For the original post - Link)

Here are 3 honorable mentions from out of the top 20 images that came up:

Icy Road Car Pinball -- MUST SEE

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Movie Tarts: November 2010

Here comes the holiday season, and with it comes all the movies that weren't quite ready for the summer movie season.

My Most Anticipated Movie this November is:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, of course!  And this wasn't a clear forerunner for the most anticipated movie.  There are some particularly interesting movies this November. 

My Second Most Anticipated Movie this November is: 127 Hours
This movie looks intensely stressful! Which is weird because it's about a guy who is probably the opposite of stress.  Plus James Franco will really shine in this one.

Megamind - Well we know that Will Ferrell can make terrible movies, but I have a feeling this is not going to be one of them.  In an era of animation movies that are appealing to all ages, this one will fit right in.  But in a Will Ferrell kind of way.

Due Date - Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis.  And Jamie Fox. What a combo!  This is going to be so funny!

Morning Glory - This movie has a mix of actors with high caliber that will produce results.  Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, the underrated Rachel McAdams, and many others.

The Next Three Days - I'm not sure about this one yet, but with Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson and 30 Rock's Elizabeth Banks, it will definitely be worth seeing.

Love and Other Drugs - This one is directed by Edward Zwick so you know it'll be good.  But it's a romantic comedy by Edward Zwick! And it stars Jake Gyllenhaal (one of my favorites) and Anne Hathaway (everyone's favorite).

 The King's Speech - It has all the ingredients to be good, so I assume it will be. 

"Tighten Up" by The Black Keys

I like most of the songs by The Black Keys.  But just most.  (Thanks Kelly, I saw this on your facebook.)

Song Mash-Up #6

I thought this song looked like it was going to be terrible.  But it wasn't.  It was wonderful.  Here it is:  Nirvana and Michael Jackson singing "Smells Like Billy Jean."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Missy the Cat -- A Funny Story

This is a funny story.  It looks boring and long, but it is neither.  You will laugh.

An exchange between a secretary (Shannon) and someone in the design department at her company (David)….

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.15am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Poster

I opened the screen door yesterday and my cat got out and has been missing since then so I was wondering if you are not to busy you could make a poster for me. It has to be A4 and I will photocopy it and put it around my suburb this afternoon.


This is the only photo of her I have she answers to the name Missy and is black and white and about 8 months old. missing on Harper street and my phone number.
Thanks Shan.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.26am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Poster

Dear Shannon,
That is shocking news. Luckily I was sitting down when I read your email and not half way up a ladder or tree. How are you holding up? I am surprised you managed to attend work at all what with thinking about Missy out there cold, frightened and alone... possibly lying on the side of the road, her back legs squashed by a vehicle, calling out "Shannon, where are you?"
Although I have two clients expecting completed work this afternoon, I will, of course, drop everything and do whatever it takes to facilitate the speedy return of Missy.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.37am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Poster

yeah ok thanks. I know you dont like cats but I am really worried about mine. I have to leave at 1pm today.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.17am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Poster

Dear Shannon,
I never said I don't like cats. Once, having been invited to a party, I went clothes shopping beforehand and bought a pair of expensive G-Star boots. They were two sizes too small but I wanted them so badly I figured I could just wear them without socks and cut my toenails very short. As the party was only a few blocks from my place, I decided to walk. After the first block, I lost all feeling in my feet. Arriving at the party, I stumbled into a guy named Steven, spilling Malibu & coke onto his white Wham 'Choose Life' t-shirt, and he punched me. An hour or so after the incident, Steven sat down in a chair already occupied by a cat. The surprised cat clawed and snarled causing Steven to leap out of the chair, slip on a rug and strike his forehead onto the corner of a speaker; resulting in a two inch open gash. In its shock, the cat also defecated, leaving Steven with a foul stain down the back of his beige cargo pants. I liked that cat.
Attached poster as requested.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.24am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

yeah thats not what I was looking for at all. it looks like a movie and how come the photo of Missy is so small?

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.28am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

Dear Shannon,
It's a design thing. The cat is lost in the negative space.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.33am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

Thats just stupid. Can you do it properly please? I am extremely emotional over this and was up all night in tears. you seem to think it is funny. Can you make the photo bigger please and fix the text and do it in colour please. Thanks.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.46am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

Dear Shannon,
Having worked with designers for a few years now, I would have assumed you understood, despite our vague suggestions otherwise, we do not welcome constructive criticism. I don't come downstairs and tell you how to send text messages, log onto Facebook and look out of the window. I am willing to overlook this faux pas due to you no doubt being preoccupied with thoughts of Missy attempting to make her way home across busy intersections or being trapped in a drain as it slowly fills with water. I spent three days down a well once but that was just for fun.
I have amended and attached the poster as per your instructions.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.59am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

This is worse than the other one. can you make it so it shows the whole photo of Missy and delete the stupid text that says missing missy off it? I just want it to say Lost.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.14am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.21am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster

yeah can you do the poster or not? I just want a photo and the word lost and the telephone number and when and where she was lost and her name. Not like a movie poster or anything stupid. I have to leave early today. If it was your cat I would help you. Thanks.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.32am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Awww

Dear Shannon,
I don't have a cat. I once agreed to look after a friend's cat for a week but after he dropped it off at my apartment and explained the concept of kitty litter, I kept the cat in a closed cardboard box in the shed and forgot about it. If I wanted to feed something and clean faeces, I wouldn't have put my mother in that home after her stroke. A week later, when my friend came to collect his cat, I pretended that I was not home and mailed the box to him. Apparently I failed to put enough stamps on the package and he had to collect it from the post office and pay eighteen dollars. He still goes on about that sometimes, people need to learn to let go.
I have attached the amended version of your poster as per your detailed instructions.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.47am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Awww

Thats not my cat. where did you get that picture from? That cat is orange. I gave you a photo of my cat.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.58am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Awww

I know, but that one is cute. As Missy has quite possibly met any one of several violent ends, it is possible you might get a better cat out of this. If anybody calls and says "I haven't seen your orange cat but I did find a black and white one with its hind legs run over by a car, do you want it?" you can politely decline and save yourself a costly veterinarian bill.
I knew someone who had a basset hound that had its hind legs removed after an accident and it had to walk around with one of those little buggies with wheels. If it had been my dog I would have asked for all its legs to be removed and replaced with wheels and had a remote control installed. I could charge neighbourhood kids for rides and enter it in races. If I did the same with a horse I could drive it to work. I would call it Steven.
Regards, David.

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.07pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Awww

Please just use the photo I gave you.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.22pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.34pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

I didnt say there was a reward. I dont have $2000 dollars. What did you even put that there for? Apart from that it is perfect can you please remove the reward bit. Thanks Shan.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.42pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.51pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

Can you just please take the reward bit off altogether? I have to leave in ten minutes and I still have to make photocopies of it.

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.56pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 1.03pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww

Fine. That will have to do.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired

I just saw Marina Zenovich's documentary exploring the history and incidents surrounding the Roman Polanski case in 1977.  If you're a fan of film or film history you might enjoy this documentary; otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time on it.

It's very interesting and has lots of court room drama, but it lacked sustained attention-grabbing information.  The story of Roman Polanski's crimes and desertion are captivating, but only for so long.  Zenovich won an Emmy for the movie, so there is merit there, but to what extent?  I don't know.  I guess if you're a Polanski fan, or are a die-hard film fan (not like Die Hard, but just the cliche die-hard), or are really, really interested in film history, you would probably enjoy this one.  Either way, an opinion of Polanski is going to be established.

Song Mash-Up #5 - A mutt of a song

This edition of Song Mash-Up is of very low audio quality, but the mash-up is of an awesome quality.  I couldn't find another version with better audio quality.  Sorry.  It is a hybrid of Red Hot Chili Pepper's "Dani California" and Kayne West's "Touch the Sky," with a dash of The Avalanche's "Frontier psychiatrist."  So awesome!

Comics #102

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Favorite Movie Scene #5 - Alien

The first Alien movie came out in 1979, two years after Star Wars.  But Alien is kind of like the horror/thriller version of Star Wars.  It is a ground-breaking movie that I don't think gets enough respect.

(The clip I chose is a bit gory.  So be advised.)


History of Rap by Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Typography/Motion Graphic #5 -- For You Portal Fans

Remember that amazing game Portal?  (Apparently Portal 2 comes out February 9, 2011)  Well hear is that catchy song when you beat the game.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Date Night -- What I thought....

Cute, but something's not right.

I am a huge fan Steve Carell (from Anchorman to 40 Year Old Virgin to The Office, etc.) and Tina Fey (SNL and 30 Rock) and I thought this mash-up of comedic geniuses was...well...genius.  I thought the combo was cute and funny in their own natural ways.  They have such subtle ways to make people laugh sometimes.  Outrageous often, but humbly charming more often.  I feel like the world was waiting for this combo to come together for the longest time.

So why wasn't it good?

Was it too much of a good thing?  Was the plot a little too ridiculous to be taken semi-serious?  Did it lack the star power it needed to pull off a silly comedy like this?  I think the answer lies in the writer and director.  (Sorry guys.)  The fact that a movie starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey AND Mark Wahlberg could be so disappointing is just too much of a bummer to stand.  The director is Shawn Levy and his most successful movies have been: The Night at the Museum (s), The Pink Panther, Cheaper By the Dozen, and Just Married.  Does anyone see a trend here?  These movies, while mostly cute and funny, are not great movies.  I think Peter Hedges' Dan in Real Life was leaps and bounds better than Date Night.  And the writer!  The writer's name is Josh Klausner and he is best known for writing these movies: Shrek 3, Shrek: Forever After, The Fourth Floor (no idea about this movie), and lastly, Date Night.  That's it.  I think it's fairly apparent that Steve and Tina had their way with ad-libbing and improv throughout the movie.

No offense to Shawn and Josh, but I would've thought their skills and past works would have nothing to do with a grown-up comedy like this one.  I'm sorry if it's cold and/or offensive, but it must be said.  A comedy with this cast and with this much potential is just too valuable to screw up into a weird, awkward kid movie that they made for grown-ups.  It just doesn't cut it.

But good will come from this sad disappointment.  Certain scenes of the movie will continue to make me laugh randomly throughout this week.  The head-on collision with Grant Holbrooke's nice Audi into the trashy NYC taxi and their rants and screams, and the movie's constant, purely-funny conversations.  The dancing in a strip club with Steve and Tina!  Too good!

The movie was funny.  How could it not be funny?  But it lacked some very important pieces which would have elevated this movie to one of the funniest date night movies ever.  But instead, it got sloppy.

Song Mash-Up #4

This edition of Song Mash-Up is a goody.  It is a smash of The Police's "Every Breath You Take" and Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars," and it's titled "Every Car You Chase."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mad Men - Season 1

This week I finished the first season of Mad Men.  I had very minimal exposure to what Mad Men was about when I started it, and I think that is almost always a good thing.

What I knew was that it was a show based in the 1960s about an advertising agency.  I knew Jon Hamm was in it, but only because of his appearances on SNL.  (Particularly, his The Curse skit.  I didn't know until now how ridiculous it was.)  I knew January Jones was in it, but also only because SNL, and her appearance didn't seem that outstanding.  And lastly, I knew a lot of people really liked the show. 

If you enjoy watching shows with a clean slate of expectation, then don't continue reading this.

I'm not completely sure what my definite opinion of Mad Men is just yet.  I'm going to continue watching the series to more clearly formulate my thoughts.  The idea that I need more than a season's worth of Mad Men to make an opinion should mean something.  The show is slow.  Very slow.  It is very interesting and thought-provoking, but it is no 24 or Lost.  The characters are slow-cooking, like in a crock-pot.  Bits and pieces are quite exciting, and occasionally humorous, but mostly the show is about average people doing average things.  Don Draper, the main character played by Jon Hamm, is mysterious and confusing.  His character is what makes the show watchable.  You find yourself wondering how he lives with himself; but at the same time, you are confused by how he came to be and it makes you question your premature judgments. 

The show has won many awards.  I don't know if those awards are warranted from great acting, writing or directing yet.  But I do know the awards with scene and costume deserve it.  It is amazing how relevant to the era it is.  The skinny ties.  The suits.  The slicked-back hair.  The smoking.  It makes you feel like you were in New York City in the 1960s.  The cinematography is very good, too.  All the scenes look like your grandparents' old photographs, all sepia and faded.  They have strangely been able to adapt that old look with a modern feel that transcends time. 

The show, while scandalous at times, seems to be teaching the viewer lessons about life in each episode.  A perspective that is different from ours, but one that our society has already experienced.  It is just intriguing enough to delve deeper. 

Comics #101

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ReRun: Be Kind Rewind (Where's the comma?)

"I will shoot you! And I know robot karate."
I finally saw Mike Gondry's Be Kind Rewind film last night. I tried to see it at the Sundance Film Festival in January, but it never happened. And then when it came to theaters, it was only showing at one theater about an hour away. But finally, I saw it.

I liked the movie. It was a lot like I imagined it would be like, but I found it hard to watch surprisingly. I'm having a hard time pin-pointing the reason it was difficult to watch. I thought it was aesthetically-pleasing. I liked the dialogue. The writing was wonderful. The acting was superb with Jack Black, Danny Glover and Mos Def. I wasn't a huge fan of the music, or the editing. You know what? That's what turned it off for me. The editing.

Jeff Buchanan was the Director of Editing for Be Kind Rewind. With the except of Dave Chappelle's Block Party movie, Jeff Buchanan has not done anything substantial, unless you want to count his "The Work of Director..." documentaries. I'm not saying just because Jeff Buchanan hasn't done many big hit movies, that.....nevermind. I'm not going to worry about being mean. Jeff Buchanan's editing is hard to watch. It's unfocused and mildly frustrating. I do not like Jeff Buchanan.

The best things about Be Kind Rewind were the acting, the setting style and the whole idea and writing behind it. What a great idea! A magnetized guy erases all the movies in the rental store and him and his friend recreate all the movies in order to keep the rental store afloat. Sweded movies. Ghostbusters. Danny Glover in general. All these elements combined give Be Kind Rewind its own uniqueness.

This movie is worth the price of admission. You won't learn anything, and you won't have a life changing experience by watching it. At the most, you might have a strong desire to make some of your own "sweded" movies and you'll laugh a bunch.